Postage Stamps
University departments may procure postage stamps from Mailing Services, provided the stamps are used exclusively for university related purposes.
The procedure for obtaining postage stamps for departmental use has not changed. A completed Stamp Request form itemizing the quantity and denomination of stamps must be submitted in person at Mailing Services office. (Do not use the BASIS University Procurement System/UPS to generate a requisition for postage stamps.) The Stamp Request form must be signed by the properly authorized person, usually the department head, and the cost center number must be cited on the form. Postage stamps will be issued at the time the Stamp Request from is presented at the Mailing Services office.
Departments with small outgoing mail volume which normally requisition postage stamps instead of using meter service may occasionally have a large mailing to be metered. By contacting Mailing Services arrangements can be made to receive a code number to be used one time only. Mailing services requests prior notice of at least 5 days before a large mailing is to be metered.